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xmas planning and credit card misery
11/05/04 ~ 11:30 a.m.

i've started my planning for christmas cards. yes, i know it's really early, but i need to get prepared. :) my boss is going to be on vacation the week after thanksgiving, and i plan to address them all in my free time, because we all know how busy i am when she's out of the office. plus i need to figure out how many to get, because i always send a picture in my cards and i have to make reprints. woo.

that also got me thinking about christmas presents. it's always a big guessing game when you've got good friends that you don't see all the time, or aquaintances, and you're not sure whether to get them a present, but what if they get YOU one, and... argh! so to clear things up, for people who may be reading this and wondering: brooke, jenn, sabrina, and mariah: you're getting presents. sammi, justin a, and amy - i plan on giving you a little something. nothing huge. jutin b. and bev - i wasn't planning on it, but i promise you'll get a card. is that cool? if you're getting me something, let me know!

ok, moving on. i STILL haven't gotten a refund check for that stupid secured card that got closed back in AUGUST because of my bankruptcy. i didn't even want it closed, but now that it's closed, i want my $114, dammit! i didn't claim bankruptcy because i was rolling in cash, you know! i just left yet another grouchy (well, nice and polite yet FIRM) message for the fuckers. i may like banking at wamu, but i certainly don't like their credit card department. next time i get a card, secured or not, it won't be from them. bastards.


so today was kinda dry in past years, but tomorrow, there will be all four years of entries. just you wait.

one year ago: no entry
two years ago: no entry
three years ago: basically, i'm getting paid to have bandaids stuck to my back with creams on them to see if they react. the little buggers are a bitch to keep on, and even harder to keep dry when i shower. heather and i are both doing it, and we help each other duct tape plastic things to our backs. it's pretty funny. anything for money, i guess.
four years ago: no entry

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
