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100 things

09/04/01 ~ 4:15

i got some googles while i was gone!

1. "smurf strumph" (i always get these)

2. "i am leaving on a jet plane" (i typed those lyrics before i went to georgia)

3. "bitchtard"

whoo! i am sooooo proud. i was # 10 on the list of 71. not bad, huh andrew?

that is all. i am hungry.



i'm feeling like shit. and it's not even that time of the month.

due to my awful car issues last week, i slipped up a few times at work. my mind must have been somewhere else. i accepted this, and apologized. but today another mistake was brought to my attention -- when i copied the checks, the copy machine didn't copy the whole page, thus leaving the bottom stub but not a copy of what we need. i didn't check it. this is very bad. it shows carelessness on my part. i was in a huge rush cuz i was getting out of there late and i had to cover the other assistant's work that afternoon. even so, this is no excuse and i feel awful. i feel like i'm slipping. i am very good at my job, very detail oriented, and this is proving me wrong.

i sent an "i'm sorry" email to my boss and i started crying. i rarely cry, so me sitting at my computer crying isn't a normal occurrence. no one saw me, so that's good.

my boss just came in and reassured me. it's an easy fix, i just feel stupid. i'm having one of those days. i need to go home.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
