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100 things

maybe i can change my future
09/10/04 ~ 10:34 p.m.

i feel much better today. i actually did some research on the nutritionist stuff. i may be able to take online courses from a junior college up in sacramento, and i don't have to take any extra general ed because i already have a degree. but first things first, i need to figure out what kind of job i want. do i want to just work at a doctor's office, being all nutrition-y? would i want to work at a weight loss clinic? how about just at a gym?

choices, choices. decisions, decisions.

i actually talked with my dad on the phone yesterday, so i told him about all of this stuff. he says i need to find some people already in the profression, and interview them. find out what they do, if they like it, and how they got there. really, i think that's my next step.

so now i feel as if my free time at home is running out. i have next week off (and justin a is coming to visit wed/thurs) and the week after that, we'll be in reno. after that, it's back to work.


i leave you with a funny:

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
