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check in from mom's house
08/10/04 ~ 11:40 a.m.

hi everyone!

i'm on my mom's SUPER SLOW dial up and crappy computer but i just wanted to do a check in. things are going ok, sometimes i get nauseous but it's becoming more and more rare. i've been eating ok and the knee is feeling a bit less stiff.

i've had visitors -- jenn* came by for two lengthy visits and justin b* and his girlfriend beverly (that i met at my party) stopped by as well. that was fun. :)

i took a shower sunday (yay!) and i'll take another one today before we head on back to my house. boy is the balancing-on-one-foot-while-mom-washes-your-hair thing hard! but it's worth it. like i said, tonight, we'll head back to my house, my mom will stay the night, and tomorrow i go to the doctor's to have my stitches removed.

my mom will leave on wednesday afternoon and she's not coming back! david's parents will check in on me as i can't be by myself all day long when david's is at work. but of course, my friends can come visit and thus not require the almost in-laws to come every day. anyone want to volunteer? the only duties i can't do myself are making lunch and changing the ice in my cold therapy machine. plus then you could watch netflix movies with me!

anyways, it's about time for me to lie down and hook up to said cooling machine again. if i feel up to it, maybe tomorrow i'll post pictures of me wearing my brace! they were taken last week. super fun!

cheers everyone! love ya!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
