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100 things

preparation mode
07/22/04 ~ 2:21 p.m.

david and i are getting a hand-me-down recliner this evening. i'm not sure how well it will fit in our living room though, both space wise and decor-wise. but it will be a good thing for the time i'm stuck at home and am supposed to have my knee up. woo. and if it sucks then we'll get rid of it once i'm up and about again.

i'm trying to get ready for surgery as much as possible. T minus 2 weeks! yikes. i'm going to sign up for netflix a few days prior so that i can make the most use of the 2 free weeks they offer, and then i'll pay for maybe 2 months tops. woo. i started a list of all the movies i want to rent so that i don't draw a total blank when put on the spot. you know, like when you're wandering around the movie store and can't find ANYTHING to rent? yeah.

i'm about to leave for my lunch break in a few minutes (i ate lunch at my desk an hour ago) so i'm going to shop for some comfy pants/shorts. i'm not going to be able to sit around in jeans.

i probably need to start practicing on cruthes, too. i'm gonna fall over on those things!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
