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100 things

when i dip, you dip, we dip
05/29/04 ~ 11:31 a.m.

sabrina and i went swing dancing again last night. it was actually pretty lame - not super many good male dancers, and the ones who were there didn't know us so we didn't get asked to dance. well, sabrina got asked by a bunch of novice highschoolers. ha ha. but that's about it.

i got in maybe 3 or 4 good dances and the really fun part to me now is that they dip me! a dip is pretty traditional at the end of a song, but i used to be too heavy to dip (and if they ever tried, i'd squeal and mess it up). but i'm starting to get comfortable with the fact that if they know what they're doing, they can handle my body weight and i have to just trust them. and when i do, it's fun! i like it!! dip me more!!!!

tonight i'm double booked - poker night at 5 and megan's birthday stuff at 7:30. i'm going to play poker until i lose, and then head over for dinner and clubbin' with the girls. i think i'll be good.

tomorrow is our BBQ!! come on over!

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
