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why aren't you writing people???
07/18/01 ~ 2:39 p.m.

no one on my buddy list is writing. i am bored and i want to read stuff. and i'm not getting email =(. hey, if you sign my guestbook, it sends me an automatic email!!! double goodness. do it.

i got another good fortune yesterday. (anyone else think i eat too much chinese food?) it said: you have remarkable power which you are not using (in bed). hmmmm... imagine the possibilities!

tonight i go to see my friend sarah who got in a horrible car accident almost 2 years ago. she still has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and has trouble with short-term memory. i always feel guilty when i go too long without seeing her. also, our friend john (who is my ex-best guy friend because he dissapeared on me) is supposed to be there. that would be SO cool. i wish we were tight like we used to be.

at least i can go to bed early tonight.


countdown to ned's visit: 16 days!

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
