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100 things

but i missed you... yeah.. i missed you.
07/10/01 ~ 8:27 a.m.

on saturday, i left ned an IM (he was away) that went something like "hi, i miss you, my hair sucks, i may call monday night but not for sure. ttyl, holly". i didn't call last night. even though i was getting the "it's been a week since i've talked to him, maybe he's decided he hates me" type thoughts. i came into work this morning to an email from him. he almost *never* emails. even when i email first. he hates email or something. he hates the phone too... but he knows it has to do while he's 2100 miles away. so his email read,

"did you say you were going to call tonight? i'd like that."

oops. should have called. but i do feel all warm and fuzzy now. oh, how i miss that boy.

i get my hair fixed tomorrow morning!!! yay yay YAY. and i love that i have a job where i can leave at 9am for 3 hours to get my hair done and my boss doesn't care. that's the life.

i packed 4 more boxes last night! woo! my room doesn't look packed though. argh.

jenny leaves tomorrow. i better call her today. a month is a long time... i'm really gonna miss her.

carly and i are having lunch today. i miss her being around all the time.

i'm doing a lot of missing today.

i hate my hair.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
