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100 things

i HATE my hair
07/07/01 ~ 8:46 p.m.

this is one of the times i wish i had a digital camera. then i would show you all the AWFULNESS that is my hair. it sucks so much ass. it's really dark brown, and although it doesn't look bad persay... it's just not me. i hate it. SO MUCH. i have an appointement for her to fix it... but not until next monday. not 2 days away. 9 days away. hopefully someone will cancel and i'll get it done earlier. the less people that see me and pictures that get taken, the better.

i packed 2 boxes! i'm on my way to moving out!! granted, both boxes contain only picture frames... so i have a lot of them. whatever.

tomorrow is jenny's goodbye party. she's leaving us for france. for a month. i hope she gets to a computer and posts entries sometimes! that would rule.

i found out this morning i have to SUE MY DAD (or take him to small claims court). that is like the most awful thing i will ever have to do. i spent most of the morning crying. but i have to do it-- i need the money. i don't know about my loan yet. the destroying of my hair took so long the bank was closed by the time i was done. so i'll know monday. cross your fingers for me.

oh, and if you know anyone out there willing to loan a dedicated, smart college student money at about 8% interest... email me. NOW. please. i'm begging.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
