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100 things

all good things!
05/12/04 ~ 12:07 p.m.

aaaaah. i am overwhelmed! but overwhelemed with good stuff.

so here's what happened:

george from saturn calls and says that the car is being detailed right now and we can buy it this afternoon! fantastic! that was the most painless used car search ever! less than a week, and we only looked at 2 cars. meanwhile, while george is on my cell phone, david calls my work phone. i tell him about the car, he says, sweet, we'll buy it after work. then he tells me....


everything was all crazy at work and there were all these people here and phones ringing and i only really got to spit out a few "i'm-so-super-excited-and-super-happy-for-you-good-job" things before i had to go. so hopefully i will talk to him on his lunch break and ask all the questions i didn't get to ask yet. but yes, it's a raise. and a big time promotion as far as titles and authority go.

assistant manager david. woo hoo.

now if only we could go out to dinner to celebrate.... ;P

(i talk about the 10-day fast in the previous entry, just click back and you can read the details!)


our new baby!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
