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fasting and a new car
05/12/04 ~ 9:42 a.m.

today begins the 10 day fast. david and i stocked up on supplies last night. here's how it goes:

in the morning, drink 1 quart of water with 2 tablespoons deionized salt in it. then for the rest of the day, drink a LOT of water, plus as much of the following mixture as you need for vitamins/caloric needs. the mixture: 4 oz dark maple syrup, 4 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and enough water to make a quart. david's friends each drank about 3 quarts a day, so david and i packed 2 quarts each to take with us to work.

so far, we've had our salt water (uck) and i've only tried a sip of the lemon mixture. it's got a little kick to it from the pepper (i am very sensitive to spice) but i'm sure i'll enjoy it when i'm hungry! the maple syrup provides some calories.

i'll keep ya updated on how i feel, and next wednesday, after 7 days of fasting, it will be interesting to see what the scale says. not to mention my liver, colon, and kidneys should be nice and sparkly clean! woo!

in other news, david put a deposit down on a used car at saturn. it's not been through the detailing yet, and they have one thing to fix on it (it idels too high or low or something), but after that, we can buy it! it's a 93 SL2 with 148k miles on it. they put a brand new clutch in it yesterday. it's $2300. not bad, huh? david's dad drove it and he approves. so i'll let you know how that goes.

alright. work is calling. cheerio!

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
