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100 things

04/08/04 ~ 2:41 p.m.

i think my uck mood can be attributed to that wonderful time of the month. i'm mad i'm breaking out because of it, and that makes me grouchy. i've had cramps and headaches this week (tmi, sorry). just all around feelings of yuckiness.

plus i feel shorted that i have to give up my 3 day weekend just because i work the stupid tues-sat schedule. i get tomorrow off (i'm not complaining at a paid day off), but the POINT is to have a 3 days weekend, and i have to come back in on saturday. it pretty much blows, to say the least.

on to fun things. i watched the new season of the bachelor last night. it's like they decided that the original dating show was too plain vanilla - it's got twists and surprises now! one of the girls is a spy, so that's cool. can't wait to see how that plays out. looks like a lot of drama. and you all know how i love tv drama or the fake reality show variety! woo.

we (as in, the coworker and i) plan on booking it out of here around 4 pm, which is sweet not only cuz i'm sick of working today, but also cuz i'll get an early start on my trek to livermore. amy! hiking! wooooooo!

david is doing the actual modding of the xbox tonight! he's got everything all laid out and hopefully will have a working system this evening. maybe i can dance dance revolution tomorrow? that would be fun!

alright, if i want to leave at 4, i have to get some shit done. argh.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
