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100 things

03/31/04 ~ 1:44 p.m.

because sue is begging, i'll update. ;P i was actually coming to update anyways, but i didn't really have anything to say. but now i can answer her question!

What is everyone's opening/home page for Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Mozilla?

here's my tiered answer. for a long, long, long time i had the members page for diaryland as my home page. because, as you all know, i'm semi-obsessed with this thing. and while i'll agree with sue that livejournal is cool, i can't update mine at work. so i try to post my entries both here and there, as sue does, but it often happens that i never get around to putting up the LJ entries when i'm at home. but then i take silly quizzes in there that i don't put in here. so it's even, sorta. plus i read journals here AND there so really, i'm going to keep both.

but back to the question. when david put windows xp on my computer and got me up and running at a better speed than before, i decided i didn't want AIM and MSN and all those things opening at startup because they slow down my bootup time. so i switched my home page to hotmail for easy email access. but i got sick of it taking 5 hours to open a new browser window because it was logging into my account. so i yelled at it.

and then i decided that i would follow david's example and set my home page to "about:blank". very quick loading... since there's nothing to load! ;) that's what it is right now.

at work, it opens to this page called "JonesNet" that has links to all things we might need for our job, links to company newsletters, our paycheck information, etc, etc, etc.

today is my dad's birthday. i actually sent him a card (and david signed it, too). this is more than i've done in many years, but i'm trying to have a better relationship with him if i can. even if he does live in arizona with the woman he cheated on my mom with and their illegitmate child. and even if he does owe my mother and i a shitload of money. he's still my dad. you only get one [biological] father in this lifetime, so i should make the best of it.

and with that, i am going to pick up my cell phone and call him to wish him a happy birthday.



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* check the cast page for details about this person!
