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100 things

lazy sunday
03/21/04 ~ 10:33 a.m.

yesterday was one of those super-planned packed-full days.

we went to my grandparents house and out out lunch with them, then swung my jeannine's* place to give her birthday presents, then off to brooke and robert's* new house where we just hun gout and chatted for awhile and THEN (breathe, holly, breathe) we went to a party for david's coworker. we got home at about 11:30 pm, totally exhausted.

one very cool thing.. remember that painting i talked about in this entry? (it's a painting of my grandpa and i, from a picture taken when i was about age 3 or 4, done by my great-aunt). randomly, my grandparents decided to give it to me this weekend! here it is:

so that was super-awesome. david and i are trying to figure out the best place to hang it.

today david is going to be playing his role playing game, and i feel like cleaning and organizing the place. so that is what i will do, probably while watching season 3 of sex and the city (again).

have a lazy day!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
