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100 things

03/18/04 ~ 12:06 p.m.

now that all that car stuff is finished, i can get back to the normal, everyday boringness i usually ramble about.

i just talked with my grandmother, and two of my distant relatives (that i've never known) died last week. one was a great aunt who was in her 80's, totally random old age thing, i guess. the other was my grandma's nephew, who was 48 and died of cancer. yikes.

my coworker donna and i had a discussion about inheritance this morning. it kind of spurred off of talking about hand-me-down furniture that we own. she told me about how when some of their fmaily members died, it was really tough when there weren't wills and they really didn't get much because her husband is a peacekeeper. he'd let everyone else have everything. she's kinda sad that she didn't get either the grandmother or the mother's wedding rings because she's one of two daughter in laws (the family only had sons). that reminded me of a conversation david and i had with his family last week. THEY were talking about how they got the shaft when the great grandma died, and so with the other family members, they have sort of 'tagged' what they want. my grandma wants me to 'tag' things, but i think that's so morbid! although if i really think about it, there are some furniture items that my mom owns that i would love to inherit. and my grandma. but i know the thing i want most from her is already mine - a painting of my grandfather and i when i was about 3. my great-aunt painted it.

anyways. then the discussion went on to what david's parents are giving to their kids, even while they're still alive. silver gets this 'pie safe' thing that is a family heirloom. what does david get? an engagement ring -- for when he's ready!! (as everyone stares at me and i turn red.) which all sounds well and good, but here's the lameass thing: it's not a family ring. it's a ring david's dad used to propose to a woman BEFORE david's mom! that he never married! david's mom didn't want it (obviously) so they're going to give it to david. how kind.

david told me that night that he wouldn't want it -- he doesn't want to give me a ring that wasn't good enough for his mom. but i was thinking, he could take it and re-set the stone, which would save him money and make it still be a ring for me. we haven't seen the ring, i don't know what kind of stone it has or anything like that. but maybe that's a possibilty.

does it sound bad that we wouldn't want to accept the ring? i mean, beggars can't be choosers, right? but would we want an engagement ring that has bad memories attached to it? bad karma or something like that.

and besides, it's not going to happen for a few years. really. it's nothing i need to worry about. just spewing what's on my mind.

i can't believe it's only thursday. it should be the weekend already. alright, back to my (non-existant) work. hmmm, it's almost lunchtime. i should go shopping. ;P


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
