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our new car!
03/17/04 ~ 7:39 a.m.

say hello to our 99 wagon:

it's so weird to be in it, because it feels like the exact same car (minus the stickshift and plus power steering). then i climb out and i'm like "holy shit, it's white!" because i was so used to the blue. anyways.

oh my goodness. it's st. patrick's day and i am wearing brown and black. better go get a pin or something. i love this day, too! i'm such a green-o-holic! but i don't have green work clothes. damn dress code.

actually, i think i have a shirt that is borderline. maybe i'll pull it out.

have a great day,

~holly o'reilly (hahaha)~

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
