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100 things

mental upchuck
02/11/04 ~ 2:23 p.m.

i'm just going to type whatever comes to mind. in head, on screen. we'll see what garbage i come up with.

happy birthday justine*! i'm going to email her when i get home but in case i forget, at least i gave her a shout out.

i burned my arm at cooking class on monday night. inner arn hit the side of the oven. owie.

found out by accident that my coworker named her baby after my dear neighbor that was on sorority life! it was becaus eof her they chose the name. i mentioned it offhandedly and she flipped out. it was exciting.

our car is in the shop, *not* making the crunch/grinding noise for the technician. grrrrrrrrrrrr. because 1) i don't want to pay for mechanic's labor and 2) something is wrong with it, so why the fuck does it have performance anxiety now? plus waaaah, i don't want to spend my tax return on car repairs. i really hope it's something small.

david and i have a pile of dishes to do tonight. we were supposed to do them last night, but he wanted to "cuddle" and then somehow managed to keep me in the bed all night. but tonight, no funny business (not that i didn't enjoy it). i rented a movie to watch while we work, even. no excuses!

i'm going to watch the bachelorette tonight. i got suckered in, watching the santa rosa guy as a contestant. he's not in the running anymore, but now i want to see what happens.

i miss sabrina. she would watch it with me!

gotta open some new accounts. work, work, work. catch ya lata,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
