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100 things

busy busy
12/21/03 ~ 10:34 a.m.

well, i haven't been on here in a few days. yesterday was busy, we had to go pick up an entertainment center that david's grandma gave us. then we went and cut down our own tree. in the pourning rain. then we took another shower cuz we were soaked. then i napped and worked from 5pm - 1:30 freaking am. i was only scheduled until 12:15 but the closing manager sucks my ass.

sabrina* is fabulous. we saw a movie on friday night. she gave me a pretty present that is already hangin gin the kitchen window. she is a great friend!

today: decorate christmas tree, set up entertainment center (i will post before/after pics!), hit the YMCA for a trainer appointment, go to walmart and buy shelves, set up shelves.

i think i want a nap, too.

alright, my love has made me breakfast. i must go now.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
