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100 things

11/06/03 ~ 10:33 p.m.

i am updating this right now because i am distracting myself. david is currently purging vodka and tampico out of his system. i am wearing earplugs and humming so i can't hear.

i know, it sounds like i am a terrible girlfriend but everyone knows this about me: i can't handle puke. it gives me the jitters hearing it. i am shaking like mad right now.

needless to say, it is hard to type while humming and shaking.

i just started humming the words that i am typing. then helps a little.

i feel bad for him because he feels sick and he has work tomorrow and it all sucks. but he told me before going into the bathroom the 2nd time that i need to not let him drink this much. GRRR. i TOLD him a few times but i was trying not to be a nag, you know? i even asked him if he would be sick and he said no. liar.

thing is, he doesn't get *this* drunk often. in fact, the only other time was that fated birthday (where, you'll notice, i DID help him some when he was still puking.) so he doesn't know how to do it right, i guess. and he's never suffered a *real* hangover because that time, he got pumped full of fluids and such.

argh. i have to use the toilet, and not for number one. i can't exactly go outside.

i wish i could either fall asleep or help him. unfortunately, i am unable to do those things. why am i such a wuss?

ok, i'm gonna check on him and then see what i can do about falling alseep. i have to work tomorrow, too.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
