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i'm here! for 2 seconds!
11/04/03 ~ 8:00 a.m.

4 days into the new month and i haven't updated. this is getting bad.

this week is pretty busy, but in the fun way. i'm not wroking every night like i did last week, and that rocks!

tonight- cooking class. wed - cameron* comes home from europe! so we get to hang with him. thurs - poker. fri- comedy club with david's coworkers (haven't met them yet). sat - work. sun - brooke's* house.

so there you go. i did squeeze in a workout this morning! amazing. i have to leave for work right now though.

oh, and yesterday amber gave me a massage (she's licenced) and it was wonderful. a little sore today though. gotta drink my water.

i'm off like a garter belt.....


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
