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100 things

trip, day one
*6/19/02 ~ 4:37 p.m.

i arrived at the paris airport at 7:30, got my bags, and decided that the easiest way to get myself to the train station without getting lost and missing my train was to take a cost 35 euros, but it was worth it. i took a 3 hour train, and ned met me at the station. we took a bus back to where his campus is, and got me an expensive (120/ night!) room at the holiday inn. i took a nap while he went to his 4-6 pm class, and then we went out to our first dinner in downtown metz. metz is a small town near the german border. not many english speakers, but not many tourists either which is nice. i ended up really liking the town.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
