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100 things

moving in stress/ friday five
08/01/03 ~ 8:34 a.m.

so, having the new place and trying to get organized in my mind is stressing both david and i out. we had a, um, heated discussion about how we're going to arrange the house. he's worried i'm going to cram every available inch with crap "just to fill the space" and i'm picturing him not allowing me to put up any picture frames and throw away half my clothes. the reality is somewhere in the middle of that.

his other worry is that i'm going to figure out how i want everything and not allow him any opinions on where the furniture goes. he worries this because i'm planning stuff in my head. i explained to him that there are 2 reasons why i'm frantically organizing in my head: 1. i want to be organized and clean, like a fresh start, and 2. i'm excited!

this will be our first place with just us. our own place. a love nest, if you will. the actual start of our lives together. i'm happy. i want it to be perfect.

but perfect means that we are both happy. that the place is OURS, not mine or his. and that means every decision, from where the couch goes down to which cupboard the cups go in, will be decided together.

and with that, it's time for:

1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings?
6:30 am. i can stretch it til 7 if i've showered the night before and picked out my clothes.

2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late?
oh yeah. tomorrow i plan to sleep until at least 10.

3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning?

4. How long does it take to get ready for your day?
not long. i'm super low maintainance. maybe 30 minutes.

5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast?
i haven't been here in agaes, but it was the first place that came to mind: noah's bagels

hasta people! tomorrow we'll be back in davis, gathering a few things so we can live in the place before the big move of all of our stuff. i plan to post an entry from there, plus pictures of the outside of the new house.



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* check the cast page for details about this person!
