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get me out of here
07/20/03 ~ 12:30 p.m.

so it's noon on sunday.

today, david is playing his game. i, in the interest of not being bored out of my mind, am taking myself to see a movie. i actually enjoy going to the movies by myself and i don't do it nearly often enough. so, i am going to indulge in some pop icon cheesiness, in the form of mandy moore's "how to deal." i'll report back with my findings.

last night, david's family took us to chinese food. not good for the scale forcast this week. chinese food kills me. but we'll see. i'm not slipping, i'm still doing good eating wise, but exercise has been tough. this week i'll make sure we go out on that hike/swim thing a few times.

so david's still not having any luck with the job thing. this is getting old and really hard on us. david's family is driving us nuts, particularly his sister. i was in tears yesterday morning, hating life so much i couldn't stand it. in fact i was so upset, i didn't eat a THING until after noon. then david and i went to see finding nemo. that cheered me up a bit. and last night, we decided tat a twin bed is big enough for the both of us, and slept in the same bed rather than being separated. so that's a new game plan.

as far as my job, it's ok. its not super-fantastic-i-can't-belive-how-much-i-love-it, nor i'm-sending-out-resumes-as-i-type-cuz-i-can't-stand-it. there's pros and cons. the pro list is longer. it will do for now, and when it comes time to move up within the company, there is one chain i would like to go up. if i can't go up that chain, i'll move on.

there's my quickie-weekend-update. off i go,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
