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my weekend to -do list
05/25/01 ~ 9:54 a.m.

yay, i made a cheesy little banner. i have no cool image maker, so i used the lame text one. if anyone would like to volunteer to make me one, with a gonzo picture on it, email me!!! here it is:

so. i got phone-stood up. =( ned and i were supposed to talk last night. at 8:30 my time. i called. he wasn't there. so sad =(.

this weekend is busy, busy. don't expect any updates! here's the schedule:

work till 12, drive up to check out the rafting grounds with the party committee, and teach swim lessons.

lifeguard 12:30-5, meet sarah winn and go to the gym with her. as i've not seen her in a very, very long time, it'll prob. last all night.

jazz festival with justin and brooke! we're meeting at justin's house at 9 and we'll stay as long as we can. lots of swing dancing going on. that night, i may be working for my boss's brother. otherwise, i may be sleeping!

my date with the first guy. we're going to a movie, lunch, and mini-golf. then i get to NOT go to jenny's BBQ, and instead teach lessons although half of the people won't show up. but *i* have to be there. dumbheads. at least i get paid while i'm on my date. i love office jobs. =)

so that's all compadres!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
