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100 things

childhood books
07/13/03 ~ 12:56 p.m.

for pieces of you

Question: What was your favourite childhood book and why? Did you learn anything from it? What kind of memories does this book stir up now?

my favorite book when i was younger was a book of 101 bedtime stories. i learned to read on that book. i had memorized all the stories in it (but i can't remember them now. there was one about pie....)

the memory it invokes is not a happy one. i was about 7 years old, i guess, and my family was driving to tahoe. it was about a 3 hour drive. i read the book in the car for about 2 hours before having to puke in a paper cup. not pleasant.

i don't know what happened to that book. i bet my mom still has it. i don't think i'd want it as a keepsake, though.

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