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home sweet home
07/06/03 ~ 9:58 a.m.

it tok me a little while to wind down, but being home has relaxed me. i'm in a much better mood and i actually smile. how about that?

so, i promised a picture entry. let's see. firstly, take a look at our car:

isn't it pretty?

i also promised pictures of the house we are staying in. david swears the pictures make it look BETTER. like, not as dirty or something. anyways, i threw them on a webpage for organization:

david's parent's house

i tried to capture the essence of david's family, too. he has 12 cousins on that side of the family. 10 were at the BBQ. some of them did escape the camera, however. here's an idea of the madness:

david's family

and lastly, this is so you can enjoy the fireworks show with us. this is what we saw from sitting in the front yeard.

happy 4th everyone!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
