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david's poor toe
06/03/03 ~ 7:48 a.m.

and the count continues: 53 recieved signings so far. keep 'em comin!

we had an interesting day yesterday. it begins that david bruised his toe. in the pool. cannonballing. so he's got a little limp.

so, after class, we're walking (and limping) out to our bikes and we notice that he's got a flat tire. REALLY flat. a TWIG went through both the tire and tube. niiiiiice.

so we walk over to the "bike barn" (the on-campus bike sotre/shop) and he scores a tube and tire for $10. that's really cheap. BUT they wouldn't loan him any tools cuz they were closing in 5 minutes. fine. we'll just walk our bikes home.

or limp them.

so i wanted david to ride mine so he wouldn't have to limp, but then he decided to just ride his cuz he didn't care about the tire.

bad idea.

the old tube and tire came off the rim, he narly faceplanted, and now the bike isn't even in walking-home condition.

so we park our bikes quickly, and plan to take the bus, which gets us at least to the END of our long ass-street, and cuts off about half the walking time. only, i don't have my ID card on me, so i can't take the bus.


so david takes the bus, i bike home, i make him instant pudding to cheer him up, and then i take the car and meet him at the bus so he doesn't have to limp home.

i rule.

end of story. ;)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
