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100 things

working in a tiny box
04/29/03 ~ 8:47 p.m.

jenn* called me and told me about a fleetwood mac concert in july. i totally want to go! it would be so fun. =) when i get in the car to go home, i'm gonna have the urge for one of their cds, i can feel it!

so while we were chatting, i took a little break and walked outside my building, through a hallway, and into the main sacramento county building. what do i see but some national guard guys marching around, and one of them was in a kilt and playing bagpipes! craziness, i tell ya.

when i'm typing up an entry at work, i have to resist writing for 10 pages. i'm so bored that i could ramble on and on and on. but these 10 pages would not be fun and/or interesting to read. no, it would be pure shit. like "my muscles hurt", "ooh, i have an itch... got it", or "it's unusually bright in here" kinds of things.

i play a lot of sneaky solitaire, free cell, and minesweeper. the kind where i make one move, then click back to the screen i'm working on and glance around to see if anyone saw. i'm super sly!

the "work" i'm doing is hardly important. they searched high and low for *something* for me to do, and came up with this: i look through these huge, old files, type their number in on a search program, and make sure each page got scanned. this wouldn't be something that was being done if they hadn't invented it for me. this gives me no motivation. no one cares how much i get done in a day. they don't even say "ok" to an email if i let them know i'm taking a day off.

i sit invisible in a cubicle the size of an outhouse.

i took pictures so you can share my pain. this is my cubicle:

that's right, it's smaller than my wingspan:

for comparison, here's the cube that shares the left wall with me:

(not fair!!!)

ah, life of an intern.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
