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04/28/03 ~ 9:34 a.m.

i'm not in a great mood because i am discovering that i am self-destructive. seriously.

so yesterday was a great day, food and exercise wise. i got all the laundry done, cleaned bathroom, all that.

david got home, all was good... then my mood started dropping. fast. i was in a total funk and had no idea why (maybe cuz i didn't do any of my homework). he ended up getting put in a bad mood cuz he was getting frustrated not being able to cheer *me* up. so we had to talk about how we make each other feel and how we weren't feeling the love and all this stupid shit. so basically, i caused problems between us for no reason.

why? i don't know! because things are too perfect? i have to fuck them up? grrrrrr.

so i'm still a little upset about that, i have a midterm today, and it's raining. i have to bike to school int he rain in 5 minutes. all i can do is make sure i stay in control of my food and get my schoolwork done. hopefully my mood will follow.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
