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it's gonna be a long night
04/24/03 ~ 6:07 p.m.

check out the previous entry for some supa-fine pictures! =)

so, i'm sitting in the computer lab at school. it's 6:07 pm. i've been here since noon. my group has been working on a project we thought was due tomorrow, but it's actually due by midnight tonight. problem is, i've done all i can do and one of my partners is pouring over code, trying to find the bug. i can't help on this part and i can't talk to him, so the internet is my only option.

sigh. i just want to go home and make dinner! i think working out is out the window for today -- there's no time. maybe i should start doing squats in the computer lab. hee.

he just found one labelling error; good... maybe it will fix it. GOD I HOPE SO! i want to go home and watch the oprah david taped for me. it's about weightloss, some really good successes. i think it will inspire me some more.

although, i have to say, i'm doing good. i have a goal for myself to break into the 100's by gradaution. that's 13 pounds in 7 weeks -- tough! gotta lose 2 lbs a week to hit that but i am in the ZONE. eating good, going to swim practice, drinking my water. =)

saturday night we're going to brooke's* house for dinner. i'm bringing the salad with low-cal dressing, and they're making chicken catchatorrie (don't have a CLUE how to spell it) so i won't go off plan. then we'll watch movies and hang. i haven't seen her in a LONG time so i'm very much looking forward to it.

also, during the day on saturday, david and i are participating in a workshop where we get to take apart a manual transmission to learn about how it works! cool! i am quite a dope when it comes to cars so it will be a valuable experience.

oh damn, i'm gonna miss friends if i don't get home by 8. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

alrighty, that's enough for now. peace out,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
