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bunny names?
03/31/03 ~ 1:40 p.m.

thanks for the comments on my hair, guys. =) i'm starting to like it more... it faded a little and lost some red, so that's good. there should be pictures of me in teh sunshine this weekend at jeannine* and krystal*'s double birthday party, so i'll post them.

i have good news! got my 5 grades back. 5 classes, 19 uintis... it was hard and i bitched the whole way. my scores to show for it:

A, B+, B+, B, B-

i am quite happy with that. so today began a new quarter of classes. 10 weeks of class, 1 week of finals and then i am DONE with college. it's an 11 week countdown. you know, i think i need to get a counter thingy to put on this page. i'll go look for one after i'm done posting.

more pictures?? you know it!

that's the bunny david surprised me with last week. it needs a name. nothing cheesy like "pinky" or overused like "bugs", but a real, good name. any ideas?


p.s. happy birthday to my dad, krystal*, and jen g.* in florida!!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
