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100 things

mother's day/ evil fathers
05/13/01 ~ 6:53 p.m.

happy mom's day! my mom and i saw driven today. it was ok. not like super duper excellent, but worth matinee price. then we went to carver's, where my shrimp tasted good but is now doing bad things to my stomach.

i'm not ready for all this hot weather. blech. and i don't have a "summer clothes" body by any means. nevermind i teach swim lessons and am wearing a bathing suit half of the time.

so, in depressing news, i'm meeting with my dad next weekend. i don't think i've mentioned him yet in this diary. and with good reason. he sucks ass. basically, the short version is... i haven't *really* talked to him since the divorce (approx. 3 years) for many reasons, one being he cheated on my mom and i now have a little half brother that is 19 1/2 years younger than me. the other is he is financially screwing us over, since he makes shitloads of money but then blows it on god-knows-what. he owes us upwards of 45 thousand dollars. so guess who gets to finance college on her own? yep, yours truly. but NOW he's trying to take away all money he owes me and he *says* it's cuz i don't try to have a relationship with him. (this isn't a very short version, sorry). so i'm meeting with him and i'm going to try very hard to speak my mind. parents just intimidate me and i'm afraid to say or do anything wrong. i'll let you know how it turns out. only if you wish me luck though!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
