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100 things

the return of jenn
01/27/03 ~ 12:50 p.m.

guess who just called? that's right. jenn*.

it's been... i dunno, almost 6 months? no word. nothing.

i bet you readers had to check the cast page to remind yourself who she was. (to my new readers, she had been my best friend for about 4 years, when we stopped talking.)

to tell the truth (and i'll tell her this too), i was prepared to not talk to her again for the rest of my life. i wasn't that concerned about it, either. it was just something that had to be.

everyone knows i hate losing friends, in any circumstance. so i'm willing to hear her out.

she says, "we need to talk." why, i'm not so sure. why does she need me in her life? or is that even what she wants?

i'm not sure i'm ready for friendship again. to tell the honest truth, i don't know if it's even possible.

and i'm prepared to tell her that too. we're meeting thursday. i'm going to be doing a lot of thinking up until then.

when am i going to fit in thinking with all of this homework, class, and work?

this week is going to be tough.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
