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true love on television?
01/16/03 ~ 9:15 a.m.

last night, david and i went to see dawson's with tiff* and lauren*. we also stayed and watched the bachelorette. it's got me wondering about whether this could really work out. i mean, sure... you have a connection, you pick the one that seems the best for you. maybe you even get engaged right then and there. but how do you know if your relationship can whether the storm?

ok, sometimes there are moments when it's "love at first sight" and you "just know" and all that. but how likely will that happen when you're faced with 25 beautiful people, hand-picked by television execs?

i looked it up on the web, i guess the first bachelor and the girl who won are still together, in a long distance relationship. the second bachelor proposed to the girl he picked, but i read through the episode guides, and he must have kissed like 5 of them! and he spent the night with 3. hm.

i guess the upshot of it is that it's too forced. too contrived. love is supposed to just happen. possibly when you least expect it to.

but the show makes money, with everyone watching it. hell, i was one of the million viewers last night. i guess in that sense, i'm encouraging it. and i do admit, i'm curious to see how it ends for trista, the bachelorette.

but i'm reminded once again of how lucky i am that i met david how i did. there was some fate, a little luck, and a friendship first, which has grown into a beautiful, loving relationship -- better than i could have ever imagined. with him, i "just know." you can't do that on telelvision.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
