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new years sickness
01/02/03 ~ 6:57 p.m.

today is 1-2-3 day. woo. i'm sick and have spent all day in bed in my pj's. i read all of the harry potter 2 book. ugh.

quick wrap-up of the past 2 days: drove down to livermore. saw amy, justine, their family, lizzie, kelly, sera, nikki, and jon. went to a party. no offense to everyone, but i didn't really enjoy myself. it was cool to see people from the way back, but it ended there. i was just reminded of how much i prefer "gatherings", aka "a smaller group of people whom i mostly know" to fat parties. but it WAS huge and very well hosted by jess, nate, and lane. (p.s. even though i've never really gotten to know her, i LOVE lane's look, and her good usage of stars in most outfits. she and i are star twins.)

anyways, at the party, i saw bunches of people i know, like sue, dan g., ben, danny, emily, dave, matt d. (with a HUGE heineken from costco), and i don't even know how many others.

and it was pretty funny when dan g. started crying telling me how important i am to him and how happy he is that i'm in love. and i enjoyed talking with danny, while he was there. gonna miss him up in davis. and i had more fun when david and i were dancing, cuz i really do love that boy, who works so hard to keep me happy and is everything i've ever wanted.

ugh. i'm feeling yucky. i'll wind this down quickly. we left the party once too many people were puking. slept at amy's house. got up, had taco bell for breakfast, and went to santa rosa.

we went to the beach. GOD, it was beautiful. jeannine set up a tent, cameron took pictures (will post them when he sends them to me!!), will smoked, and david took me on a nice walk. very romantic.

it got cold (and dark) fast though, and i bundled and we lit a fire. we had stuff for smores... but forgot the marshmellows. so jeannine and i held sticks with grahmn crackers and chocolate over the fire. it was funny. then i stuck an apple ring over the fire. it was gooey and interesting. fun times.

we left around 8 ish. stopped at a park, where cameron "broke up" with jeannine. hm. it was pretty over anyways, but i guess now it's official. guess i should change my cast page. eh. i'll get to it.

got home around 11, took showers and had hot cider, to no avil. i awoke sicker than before. and i took pills for a uti, which made me nauseus. it DID make my pee orange though. that's cool.

and now i am headed back to bed. when david gets back home, i'm going to watch harry potter 2 on his computer, now that i've finished the book. =)

night, all. happy ! (stole that from elli. cool, huh?)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
