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a long ramble
12/18/02 ~ 11:21 a.m.

another day at work. sigh. i kinda wish david had a job, too, for a few reasons. 1 - cuz then he wouldn't be at home all day, making me wish i was there. 2 - he'd tire himself out. by the end of the day, he's mentally exhausted from doing computer stuff, but not physically tired. 3 - he'd budget his time better. when you have the whole day to do nothing, nothing is what ends up getting done. 4 - he'd have extra cash for himself. he wants to take taikwondo classes and such, but he knows he can't afford it right now, without a job. silly head. oh well. he can do what he wants.

i was about to rant about food here, but i moved it on over to the diet log. you can read it there if you want.

yesterday was great, up until the denist. we slept in a little (not really, cuz david's BODY isn't tired, as i mentioned above), did our computer thing, i did some work at home (yay money!) while david beat mega man for the umpteenth time, and we had a really good workout. then we drove out to fair oaks so the torture could begin.

i had to have 2 cavities filled, both of them between my teeth (damn floss. now i have to do it.) i nearly went into a panic attack, i think. i've never had one, but i do know that i was so freaked out i was all shaky. i'm apparantly quite resistant to anesthetic, because i had to get shot 5 times before i didn't feel the drill. i got to feel the pain and jump so they would stop and give me more. so that didn't help with my fear, either. i just HATE people in my mouth. i prefer the gynocologist to the dentist, seriously. poke around in my crotchal area, just stay out of my mouth!!!

then david and i did a little shopping, and got presents for my mom. we were near the mall, and it was just crazy. david dec ided that he hates that area. too many people and too much traffic and everything. that's where i grew up, so it's lucky for him that i don't have a big need to move back there!

so we got in a deep discussion about why he wants to live in the santa rosa area, and he re-evaluated it. he still likes the area, likes being familiar, etc. but there isn't as huge of a pull as there was a year ago. the main thing for him now is his role-playing game. he's realized it's ok to live a distance from his friends, like cameron. and hey, cam comes up here now too!

he also has an idea of moving to colorado. he has friends out there, a couple, and he'd be able to get a job where the guy works. i told him i'd move there with him too. but we also talked about how it's not that i would follow him anywhere, that if there was somewhere *i* neded to live, he'd go with me, too. so that's a good feeling. just right now, i feel really free. not rooted anywhere. i know i like CA, but living somewhere else would be an adventure. sure, i'd miss my friends here, but i'd be able to visit them AND i'd make new friends.

the plan is still to move to the santa rosa area in aug./sept. it was good to talk about, though, and to let him know that other places can be options. he did say i'd have to get rid of a lot of stuff (even furnature!!!) so we could move in just our cars. eek. he's such a minamalist.

changing gears -- i'm contemplating a layout switch, for just a little while. i'd save the code for this one so it would come back, but maybe a christmassy/new years thing. with gonzo, of course. i dunno. i don't think i really have the energy to want to do that in my free time.

what do you guys think? i've had this one for a long, long time, huh? yeah... so if anyone might want to help me and design something for me, let me know!!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
