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100 things

lots of work for this one
11/02/02 ~ 4:51 p.m.

i've just spent over an hour working on the cast page. it is now alphabatized, a little more informative, and more concise. let me know if there's more things i should add to help out my readers.

since i did all that, i'm a little too worn to go into the intricate details of the current tangles within "the group." i'll save that for a rainy day.

i will, however, talk about last night's show. ut was so much better than any dms show we've had so far. there were about 3 times as many people (guess those early mornings of chalking payed off!) and a lot more enthusiasm. there were bloody guitars, short films, toilet paper a-flying, people moshing into drum sets, the whole nine. cameron took pictures on his digital camera, so i'll put a few up here in due time. sue was there, and she looked hot! i love seeing her. =)

tonight there is a party with "the group" at steven's house. post-halloween, but still costumed. don't know what i'll throw together tonight.

ok, i'm tired of the computer screen and my un-comfy chair. seriosuly, even if you've seen it before, read the cast page. some lights might turn on!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
