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100 things

houseful of sickies
10/23/02 ~ 9:19 p.m.

i feel so anti-productive. after updating earlier, i ate soup, played dr. mario for about 30 minutes, and then napped on and off from about 3 to 7.

i didn't end up watching dawson's with jenny and mike, which i feel terrible about. but really, i didn't get out of bed.

i watched dawson's from my bed and now i am eating some mac and cheese but it is not really tasting good. i'm hot and yucky and i'm going to take a bath after i finish reading my fave. diaries.

the house needs to be cleaned something horrible. we're all sick, and lazy by nature anyways, but it's usually not bad around here. but right now, the kitchen looks like a disaster area, there's crap on all tables, and my room is beginning to resemble the remains of a clothes tornado.

if i feel better in the morning, i'll clean. heh.

i'm also feeling gross and bloated and was convinced that since i didn't work out do to sickness, that my wednesday weigh-in was going to be horrible. especially since i ate a bunch of chips yesterday. but no. it was my lowest weight yet. what the hell, i say. but i'm not complaining. 13 pounds. i rule.

ew, i need to go refrigirate the rest of this mac and cheese and get in the tub.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
