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100 things

10/17/02 ~ 9:14 p.m.

you know what it is? i just don't have the energy. for what you ask? anything.

i go through the motions. i attend most of my classes. i diligently work out 6 days a week. i check my email and respond. i cherish sleeping and alone time with david.

i could type in here about a bunch of stuff, but that would require energy. i could type eloquently and artisically so you would all go, "wow! i love this diary!"but really, short, to-the-point lists seem to work better for me right now.

list for 10/17:

- went to brother joey's football game tonight so i could drive him home for mom. my mom sure has me trained. i won't even get started on this one.
- talked to jenny. she gets home tomorrow night, and i am going to see her on saturday! yay yay for best friends.
- tomorrow night 2 of david's friends are coming to visit and joining us with our "dinner crew", which is krystal, steven, tiffany, and lauren. we're having a chinese feats. =) i enjoy dinner nights.
-i have homework due tomorrow and clean clothes to hang. they're all over the bed. gotta make it nice and neat for david.
- he's been in a little funk lately. kinda mad at "the man" and "the system", you know? what do we say to that? DAMN THE MAN!, of course.

with that,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
