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guest entry! (kinda)
08/03/02 ~ 11:27 a.m.

hi...this is jenn. i like taking over holly's computer. so if you ever try to i.m. holly and i say "this is jenn" that's me!!!

anyway, justine is here because she rocks! i think we are about to go get chinese buffet and maybe go to the jelly belly factory. fun stuff i tell ya!

jasmine's getting better. her red blood cell count needs to be better before she comes home to holly. holly misses her. i miss her too. it sucked coming over last night and no jasmine there to talk to us. example of the conversation between me and jamsine...


"hi jasmine, how are you?"

"oww owwww ow"

"really? that's cool"

"owwww, owwww, ow owwww"

"wow, that's sounds fun!"

"owww, owww ow owww"

"well, okay come in."


i think you get the picture. okay, i think holly wants to say something now....


hi. well, jenn pretty much said it all. justine is in the shower, we want her to type too. hopefully she'll get out soon, then it's my turn!

she said i was talking in my sleep, and i was talking to my brother joey, when i figured out that i was dreaming about a whole story about this guy named joe whose mom was really upset he wasn't going by the name joseph, which is from the bible. that's the first time anyone has told me that they could tell what i was talking about and it actually connected to my dream! cool, huh?

mmmmmmmm chinese buffet. mmmmmmmmm. i like chinese food a lot.

we watched can't hardly wait last night. well, justine did, while i slept and made noises at the movie. "man, i gotta have sex tonight! it says here that 92% of women at ucla are sexually active. 92%, yo! 92% of women are walking around going 'class or sex? what shall i do?' 92%!!!"

oh, we went to a "party" (gathering) at al's house to say goodbye to jenny. it was kinda lame though, cuz they were all socializing in the kitchen and not talking to jenny =( grr. that was not cool of them.

justine, hurry uuuuuuuuuuup.


ok. this is justine. this is my very first online diary entry EVER. im a little nervous, and i must admit im not much of a fan of this sort of a thing. but hey hate the sin love the sinner as they say, eh? ha, ha...nevermind.

i want to thank the wise jenn for informing me that band-aide is a brand name. and i want it to be known that holly is the most genuinely kind person you will ever cross paths with. i have known this woman for six years and i have NEVER heard her say a mean thing about ANYONE. so despite the fact that she has an online diary, i love her dearly. all right. that is all.

bye everyone,

~holly, jenn, and justine~

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
