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i've gone nutz!
06/14/02 ~ 9:31 a.m.

so i just sucked it royally on my last final. i turned it in when i got tired of bullshitting by looking up definitions in the book and attempting to sound smart. but yet, i don't even care. i mean, i care, since i'm one of those people who worries endlessly about my grades, but i don't care cuz i'm just happy this quarter is OVER.

it's 9:30 am now. jeannine will be here at 7. so i have until then to do laundry and cleaning. laundry and cleaning. this means get off the computer!!!

holly? are you listening??? this is your inner neat freak paging you... get off the computer NOW dammit! you have a mess in the living room to handle.

but neatfreak, wait, i have to play my 3 games of destructo-match!

you can always do that later!

yes, but...

no buts! awwww, that's a sad face. ok, fine. but you better get your ass moving when you're done.


ok, i think my brain is fried. i'm having fake converations with myself. i should go.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
