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100 things

meet jeannine
06/11/02 ~ 10:52 a.m.

jeannine, me, and jenn

see? jeannnie's a cutie! she rules too. can't wait till we're roomies.

ok, i should be studying. isn't that always the case? but i got out the stuff for studying and it's out on the table. so i can do it at work. ha.

cuz tonight is packed full. after i get off work at 5, david and i have to go to school to get our project graded. (speaking of him, click here for the drunk pictures!) then i got meet a lady who wants me to tutor her daughter. then i go home, meet up with sammi and a bunch of other homies, and suddenly, it's night. and my final is fast approaching. eep.

i talked to ned relly quick online this morning. i'm almost all set. got a link to another web site, this one for normal trains. so hopefully i can be able to find him in the big 'ol city!

ok, those papers in the kitchen are calling me. bleh.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
