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100 things

not motivated to be thoughtful
05/17/02 ~ 12:20 a.m.

i have the desire to write a long, deep, insightful entry about how i am a closet wanna-be whore and a walking contradiction (complete with thank you's to billie joe).

however, i am completely lacking the awakeness and motivation to do so. i'm sorry, really. but since i posted this little blip, hopefully it will remind me to re-visit this topic soon. oh, and don't worry. i'm not going to start sleeping around. that's not what it's about.

ok. so WTF was up with that friends ending??? blah, blah, blah. of course it will get worked out, but to leave us like that all summer was just mean. i didn't see will and grace yet, but jenn taped it for me. i had to leave to go to matt's house. damn his camera is NICE. i'm afraid to have it in my possession.

grrrr. destruct-o match is not loading. i'm addicted and i NEED it.

i'm gonna be busy tomorrow (later today) but i'll try to slip something in. it's gonna be a long night of partying and concerts. woo!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
