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100 things

it's bad, i know
05/05/02 ~ 4:50 p.m.

i'm on a slight hiatus. it hurts to sit at the computer. it hurts to move. i'm behind in everything. vikadin makes me sleep.

quick summary of yesterday & today -- my mom picked me up, we went to the her company picnic. free lunch! then she drove me to leslie's house for a scrapbooking day, complete with free snacks and dinner! i got home at about 2. today i got up and david came over to work on our project. we ate lunch, and got a lot of work done. we were interrupted twice by 2 really cool roommate candidates - i just picked one and emailed her. but if she doesn't go with me, the second one will. so it's all god. too bad for the needy guy. i'll make up some while lie story about my friend who broke up with her fiancee and needs somewhere to stay. hee.

and that's it. i can't sit here much longer, and i think i'm gonna take a nap. sigh. this sucks monkey ass.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
