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100 things

it's may...
05/01/02 ~ 9:17 p.m.

...which means i can have normal titles again. as much as i love RENT, it was hard to find titles that related to each and every entry. but such was april.

i was thinking in my head that maybe today i would stay off the 'net cuz it's been such a downfall for me lately. alas, twas not to be. i can't do it. what if i have email?? (oooh! i have 15 new ones right now!) what if someone signed my guestbook? what if my neopets are starving? (ha ha, i haven't let them get hungry yet. they're always bloated).

and then, of course, what if my favorite diaries have updated a bunch of times and i'm missing out???

sigh. so i'm online again


rent will be HERE in DAVIS on dec 13th &14th!!!!! such a good b-day present! thanks for letting me know, annie!

ok back... online again, and have to do some french listening online. then is hould go to bed and not stay up till 4 like i've been doing.

tomorrow is a day with school, homework, and volleyball. should be good =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
