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100 things

that dog is now in doggy hell
04/29/02 ~ 5:16 p.m.

i'm writing this in class [and now typing it up!], because this class is boring and the teacher sounds lik eben stien. it's not boring cuz i know what i'm doing. oh no. in fact, i didn't turn in my last homework.

i am in trouble. i fell into the neopets trap. i got myself a cute green unicorn and played some games. then i told bobbi jo that i had joined, and she started hooking me up with SO much stuff. we're talking toys, books, food, hygene stuff, and tons of tips. she's the master, seriously. all her pets are geniouses, she has a fatty house, she's rich, and her pets can kick anyone's ass.


her pet charlie!

my goal is clear: i MUST get the starry paintbrush to make my unicorn beautiful!

this means i have to spend a lot of time playing games. last night, i was up until after 4am. of course, the nap i took from 6 to 8:30 pm before going dancing last night didn't help -- i wasn't even tired!!

so, this morning, on about 3 hours sleep, i had to go to 3 classes. to do this, i got a double shot blended white mocha. i never drink soffee, so this hit me hard. i had hyper jitters like crazy. i still do -- if you could see this papaer, you'd see my shaky writing! [not so bad typing now, it's worn off].

i attempted to soak up some of the caffene by getting a bagel, and let me tell you, it was the best bagel EVER. i don't know why, but this cranberry-walnut goodness was purely orgasmic. mmmmmm.

oh! check out my q-n-a. you may learn some stuff!

well, ben stein is still rambling on, so i should pay attention. there's a midterm next week! eep.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
