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100 things

blah day
03/27/02 ~ 5:39 p.m.

my day so far today could be summed up in 2 words: work and pizza. but i'll be nice and ramble on about things. that's why you guys love me, right?

i ate way too much pizza. i was feeling lazy for dinner so i grabbed a pizza on the way home and ate it. no, not all of it, but like 4 peices. i'm stuffed.

i got to be in the office all by myself a lot today. that happens when i close up shop. =) then i get to go to the bank and post office and all that nifty stuff, while still being paid to basically drive home. hizzah!

i miss my neddy-poo. i really enjoy time with him. isn't it crazy that the next time i see him, i'll be in france? wow.

tonight i have no plans. nada. zip. jenny's leaving for indiania to check out the campus, so no dawson's. i plan on cleaning a bit, and possibly scrapbooking a bit while i'm parking in front of the tv, watching friends reruns. also, the requests at r-e-v-i-e-w are piling up, so i think i'll tend to that, too.

well, i'm gonna chat with ned really quick, and then go get stuff done. au revior,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
