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100 things

yay friends. bad wind.
03/08/02 ~ 11:36 a.m.

i have 2 hours to play in the computer lab. i plan on typing up my essay for fairy tales and fables, but you guys know what happens when the internet and i are in close proximity.

i had a yucky, yucky dream last night. so i didn't wake up all that happy.

i hate wind! and cold wind! and cold wind when you're riding your bike! seriously, though. i'd MUCH rather have rain than wind. bleh.

my weekend is looking pretty boring from this vantage point. lots of empty space -- which i should fill up with scrapbooking. i've just been to lazy. i have planned a little studying here and there, but besides that, the only event is swing on sunday. i'm bring krystal, steven, and (hopefully!) adam.

i am really, really excited about my budding friendship with krystal. you know how when you're making a new friend, you can kind of be like, "they're pretty nice, yay. someone else to hang out with." but this time, it's like "krystal is the coolest ever. i want to hang out with her every day, learn stuff about her, cook with her, watch tv with her, everything!" seriously, i loved just watching friends and will and grace with her last night. =)

i added her to my cast page, along with many others. i also organized it up a little, and made a few subcatagories. i bet all these random names i throw out confuse you all, huh? well... hopefully any name i use is somewhere in that list!

now i'm just sitting here, trying to pull something out of my ass that i could possibly write, which is my signal to go. au revior,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
