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book addict
03/03/02 ~ 12:24 p.m.

(i just added a dream to nowayout. amy & justine, you'll really like this one!)

i just finished catcher in the rye. i'd never read it before, in school or anything, so i decided i should catch up with everyone else in the world.

i didn't really like it, though. the "goddamned book about old Holden, it just killed me. it really did." heather and i decided that it's a "guy" book. travers and his dad really liked it. but whatever. the next book on my list is as i lay dying by william faulkner. he was one messed up guy. my TA said this book was awesome, she loves reading stuff by truly crazy writers, so i'm stoked to read it.

i slept till almost noon today. i was pretty tired, after getting up early yesterday to prepare for my two house parties, and then staying up late watching godfather II with heather and travers. today, all i plan to do is take a shower (yup, haven't done that yet), hang out with krystal at some point, to see the house and all, and hopefully, scrapbook a bit. who knows if i'll go dancing? maybe, but i usually end up not going.

oh, and on monday, i finally get to work again! one of the brokerage offices called me in for 10-12 hours a week because of tax season. yay! money!

well, i have a bunch of diaries to read and then i'l be off. have a lovely rest of the weekend!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
