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100 things

02/28/02 ~ 6:40 p.m.

frisbee. there's no feeling like the one you get when you're barefoot in the grass, tossing a frisbee with the neighbors, laughing, feeling the moment.

"and in that moment, i swear we were infinite"

change. there's really nothing like change.

i'm already becoming nostalgic for the days when heather and i were roommates. but we still are roommates, for 5 more months. and i want to cherish it forvever.

i know i'm being silly. i know i can't live with her for the rest of my life. i know that eventually, i'll be lucky like her and have my roommate be my best friend, my lover, and my soulmate.

that'll be the day.

"...and that'll be the day that i die"

i want to read amazing books and never stop. i want to watch fantastic films and never stop. i want to know what they mean and the interesting sotries behind them and their creator. i want to be transported to where they take me.

i want to be somewhere that people yearn to be. where they want to be transported to.

i want to have a movie about me, and have someone fantastic play me.

i want a book about my life, written with literary brilliance.

i want a song written about me, that is sweet and loving and magical.

i want to be remembered, just how i am and was and will be.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
